Kewra is a sweet-smelling flower with pleasant qualities that resemble rose petals Attar is a perfume oil and a derivative of different flora and fauna. The word 'attar' or ittar originates from an Arabic term which means "scent" or something which gives good smell and aroma.
Kewra is an essential oil distilled from the male flower of the fragrant screwpine (Pandanus odoratissimus) plant. Kewra is well-known for its sweet flowery fragrance.
Attar or ittar is an Arabic word meaning a house name for the craft of vending of fragrances and medicines or apothecary, spice dealer. It is also the noun for "perfumer" or "druggist". Attar is a perfume oil and a derivative of different flora and fauna. The word 'attar' or ittar originates from an Arabic term which means "scent" or something which gives good smell and aroma. When the bottle of packed Attar is opened, the pleasant oil scent refreshes the entire respiratory system of the user and those around them. These soothing effects are attributed to ingredients such as flowers, spices, wood, among others. These natural chemicals can help with headaches, depression, and stress by soothing the human mind.
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