Vrat & Tyohar - Sampoorn Vidhi & Vidhan (in Hindi)

Vrat & Tyohar - Sampoorn Vidhi & Vidhan (in Hindi)

Vrat & Tyohar - Sampoorn Vidhi & Vidhan (in Hindi)

"Vrat & Tyohar - Sampoorn Vidhi & Vidhan" serves as an all-encompassing guide (in Hindi) detailing the rituals, customs, and observances associated with Hindu fasting (Vrat) and festivals (Tyohar). This comprehensive compendium provides insights into the ceremonial intricacies and spiritual significance of various traditions, aiming to enrich the understanding of cultural practices. It outlines the precise procedures and requirements for each event, aiding practitioners in aligning their activities with revered customs. The book also delves into the historical and theological contexts, providing a deeper understanding of their role in spiritual fulfilment.
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"Vrat & Tyohar - Sampoorn Vidhi & Vidhan" offers an extensive guide (in Hindi) that details the rich traditions and observances associated with Hindu fasting (Vrat) and festivals (Tyohar). This carefully curated volume outlines the entire range of rituals, revealing the ceremonial nuances and spiritual meanings behind each practice. By shedding light on these customs, the book aims to enhance awareness and appreciation for the vibrant cultural heritage underlying these observances. Through detailed descriptions, practitioners are supported in performing rituals accurately, following the established guidelines for spiritual fulfilment.

In addition to elucidating ritualistic components, this guide delves into the historical and theological backgrounds of the various fasts and festivals. It provides readers with a deeper understanding of the significance and the revered place these customs hold in one's spiritual journey. This contextual exploration enriches the knowledge base for devotees, contributing to a comprehensive appreciation of these time-honored traditions. "Vrat & Tyohar - Sampoorn Vidhi & Vidhan" stands as an essential resource for anyone seeking to deepen their connection to these meaningful spiritual practices.

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GTIN 12165486258
Brand Ekirana
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